Turning Tragedy into Triumph

Turning tragedy into triumph
All things are possible

I am a planner and have been from an early age. I planned out my college career, marriage, children, and the home of my dreams in my head. After college, I married my best friend and high school sweetheart. We bought a house and settled in for a long and happy life together. We added two daughters to our family, and I felt content with everything in my life. I believed I controlled my life and my future. I brought God along for the ride, but I did not want to give Him control over my life. Could God turn my tragedy into triumph?

Tragedy Struck

Everything changed with the birth of our third child in 1993. William Charles arrived in the world with many severe congenital disabilities. After testing, we learned he had an extremely rare chromosome condition. We lost our son nine days later as he died in my arms. My world shattered, and I grappled with the loss. I questioned God on why He allowed this to happen to me. Nothing felt like it would ever be perfect again. For the next couple of years, I wandered through the days, weeks, and months in a dense fog of grief. It appeared to be never-ending. I fell into a depression, which made me think I would never laugh or be happy again. However, God stood ready to take this tragedy and create something beautiful while turning my world upside down in the process.

Jeremiah 29:11, ” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In January 1997, I attended our church’s annual meeting. I still felt lost in my grief, but I saw glimpses of returning to normal. During the days since William’s death, I learned to lean into God, and I felt His strength guide me. The meeting included a presentation about a mission trip to Haiti. As I listened, I felt or heard a whisper telling my heart to go to Haiti. I wrestled with this idea of a mission trip since I hated camping. I squirmed at the thought of bugs and lack of creature comforts. How could I go on a mission trip? I felt ill-equipped for any ministry. Why would God think I could do such a thing?

God’s Triumph

Well, long story short, I landed in Haiti in July 1997 for a week-long mission working with impoverished children. The impact of the trip changed my life. The children I saw wore rags and were filthy. Their stomachs distended from constant hunger. They dug through trash piles for scraps of food to stave off the emptiness in their belies. Slowly, I discovered a purpose in the trip as we handed out food rations to the poor little ones each day. God showed me how I could make a difference for poor and neglected children in His world. I realized I could be God’s hands and feet to forgotten children.

Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Twenty years have passed since that first mission trip. Through the years, I watched God accomplish miracles for these children and in my own life too. I started a charity organization, and through it, God allowed me to operate orphanages in Myanmar and Nepal. These home currently care for 55 orphans. These beautiful children called me mom. During the years, we also adopted two teenagers from Kenya. My family circled continued to grow, and I loved it.

I still wish my son had not died. Tears still well up occasionally when I think about him. But, God provided me with something more than just death and depression. He gave me hope and purpose amid the pain. He blessed me beyond I thank God for my son, and I thank God for all my children around the world. I could not imagine how my life would be different if I allowed myself to remain in the fog of depression. I said “YES” to a much better option by following Christ.

[bctt tweet=”God gives hope and purpose amid the pain of life.”]


Yvonne – #blogger, #speaker, and #author

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

100% of the proceeds from sales of my book, Turning Mountains Into Molehills, go to help the orphans at Orphan Relief Effort, Inc

Additional Resources:

Learning about our work

My Story

Getting to know Jesus

Prayer for Salvation

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Jessica Brodie

    What a beautiful story of God’s triumph. God bless you, Yvonne. Thank you for this encouragement.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Jessica. God can turn all our messes into messages. God bless

  2. Emily Saxe | To Unearth

    How amazing it is that God can use ANYTHING we go through to bring Himself glory and encourage us to look more like Him. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    1. Yvonne

      Amen Emily. He makes all things possible. God bless

  3. Ava Pennington

    Oh, Yvonne – what a testimony of God at work in you and through you!

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Ava. God is awesome when we follow His lead.

  4. mimionlife

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us Yvonne. Hugs.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Melissa. God bless

  5. karentfriday

    Yvonne, such a beautiful story of triumph over tragedy. I’m so sorry you lost your son, William. But reading how you have ministered to children around the world, how they called you Mom, and how the Lord used you as His own hands and feet, moved me to tears.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Karen. I have so many children now. God has blessed me richly and it such a privilege to be a part of His work.

  6. Jeanne Takenaka

    Yvonne, your story made me tear up. I’m so glad you followed God’s promptings to go on that first mission trip to Haiti. Just look at what He’s done through you because of your obedience! Thank you for the reminder that God can take tragedy and heal and do beautiful things. It’s good getting to know you better. 🙂

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks my friend. God gives all us a beautiful story to share. He can heal all our wounds.

  7. Melissa McLaughlin

    Yvonne, your story is incredible. Incredible loss and pain. With God’s help, incredible healing from the unspeakable. And now, God is accomplishing incredible miracles through you! Praise God for how He has used this tragedy to bring forth unimaginable good! May God bless you, your family and your ministry!

    1. Yvonne

      Thank you Melissa. God uses all of us to further His kingdom. Following Him provides a chance to see His miracles in action. Our God is awesome.

      1. Melissa McLaughlin

        Yes, He does and He uses each person’s unique journey of sorrow and joy to shine His light through us. One other thing I really appreciate about the way you share your life and faith story, is that you do acknowledge that there are still times of grieving when tears fall at the loss of your son. Though the Lord comforts and strengthens us, we still weep. Your honesty is healing.

  8. S.A. Foster

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your story. Such a great example of turning tragedy to triumph. God bless you.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. My God turn your tragedies into triumphs. God bless

  9. bethbingaman

    I love to hear these stories of the Lord turning our heartaches into good for the neighbors He calls us to love.

  10. Stephen De La Vega

    What a blessing it is to see God work through tragedy in ways that warm our hearts. I can’t imagine your loss, but it’s also hard to imagine the many ways God used you to bless the hearts of those wonderful children. Thank you for listening and responding to God’s call.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      I am blessed for responding to the call more than I can ever imagine. God can change any of our tragedies into triumphs. Blessings to you.

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